Many people confuse these two root vegetables. We help you sort it out so this Thanksgiving, you'll be in the know!
Read MoreMany people confuse these two root vegetables. We help you sort it out so this Thanksgiving, you'll be in the know!
Read MoreThe source of this apparition remains a mystery to both astronomers and historians. Read more about the bright object in the night sky leading the Three Wise Men.
Read MoreYou've probably heard that frankincense and myrrh were two of the gifts brought to the Baby Jesus by the Three Wise Men, along with gold. But what are they? Are they used today? We have the answers.
Read MoreEach of the 50 states has a slogan associated with it, which you'll often find on license plates. Does your state have a fitting moniker? See the list!
Read MoreLearn the history behind this traditional holiday food and how to make it yourself with our easy-to-follow recipe!
Read MoreBundle up and head outside to watch the December Geminids, considered the best of the annual meteor displays. Learn more about this active meteor shower coming to a backyard sky near you!
Read MoreThere are many misconceptions and myths about what happens in the cosmos. What does Farmers' Almanac Astronomer Joe Rao say about the North Star?
Read MoreThese delicious recipes are a perfect pairing with roast turkey; either one or all three will make a delicious addition to your Thanksgiving table. They're worth the extra effort.
Read MoreLake effect snow is a headline-maker every winter. What exactly is it and how does it form? We explain. Be sure to check out the video!
Read MoreHalloween can be a fun time for the family, but truly scary for pets. Read these helpful tips for managing pets on Halloween to keep them safe.
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