Before you make your plans for a cookout and fireworks, check out our Independence Day weather forecast first!
Read MoreBefore you make your plans for a cookout and fireworks, check out our Independence Day weather forecast first!
Read MoreFinding aphids on plants can be alarming, especially when an infestation seems to happen overnight. Don’t panic: Aphids generally won’t kill mature plants and often only affect a portion of growth. However they can transmit diseases that may in turn destroy plants, which is why we recommend immediate treatment and removal. Rest assured, our simple
Read MoreInstead of spending money on birdseed, consider growing plants that feed the birds. We have the tips you need to keep your feathered friends happy!
Read MoreThis slimy, stinky soybean dish is virtually unknown in the U.S., but that's about to change. Is natto the next fountain of youth? Find out!
Read MoreCollecting and saving rainwater for use in the garden just makes sense, and was a common practice by our ancestors. See how it's done, and start saving money on your water bill.
Read MoreThe house sparrow is considered an invasive bird in many areas, causing damage and problems for native species. So what can you do to discourage them from invading your back yard and feeders? We have a few helpful strategies.
Read MoreMosquito plant? Lemongrass? Do these plants and others really repel mosquitoes? If you bought some for your backyard, there's good news and bad news...
Read MoreNeed good luck? We explain where this quirky tradition and superstition came from.
Read MoreIt’s late at night, light wispy clouds float gently by as the nearly full Moon shines down. But then you notice a faint, ghostly glow in the sky. It looks like a ring around the Moon, a delicate circle of off-white light with the Moon sitting perfectly in its center. This rare event is called a
Read MoreWe all know “April showers bring May flowers,” but the full expression is: “March winds and April showers bring forth May flowers and June bugs.” What is it about April that gives it a reputation for wet weather over other months? We explain. Spring Rains If there’s one season that would seemingly win the title
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