Latest Articles at Farmers’ Almanac

10 Popular Edible Mushrooms (And How To Cook With Them)

10 Popular Edible Mushrooms (And How To Cook With Them) featured image

In the fall, as temperatures begin to drop, pumpkins and squash take all the glory, but let’s not forget about edible mushrooms, the ever-versatile bumper crop! While mushrooms can be found year-round, many varieties peak during the fall and winter. And with the average American consuming more than two pounds of edible mushrooms each year,

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Moon Milk Recipes To Help You Relax

Moon Milk Recipes To Help You Relax featured image

If you’ve heard a lot of chatter about “Moon Milk” lately, you’re not alone. Recipes for this popular warm drink are popping up on TikTok and Instagram, and are designed to help you relax and get rejuvenating sleep, especially during a full Moon when sleep can be disrupted. Moon milk is typically made from a

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