Plenty of acorns, black walnuts, and hickory nuts fall on yards everywhere in autumn, but instead of getting frustrated by having to clean up after Mother Nature, why not think of the debris as free and delicious food? Can you eat acorns? Heck ya, you can. Wild nuts are gluten-free, nutrient-dense, and just waiting for
Hey FA readers! When we asked you which fall flavor you loved more: pumpkins or apples, we were pleasantly surprised to hear you say apples! To honor your interest, we contacted an expert to answer your frequently asked questions and to learn about newer varieties like Cosmic Crisp! Read on to learn more about apples
Catfish fight hard but are fairly easy to catch—and taste great! Catfishing has always been popular, but the sport has blasted to the forefront over the last decade. This may be due to the fact that social media has shown how exciting it can be and how huge catfish can get. Learn easy and inexpensive
Dear FA Members: Your overwhelming response to our story on hummingbird moths inspired us to tell you even more about them! Read on to learn more fun facts about these fascinating creatures! (If you have not seen our first article on this topic with nearly 2,000 user-submitted photos and comments, find it here.) Please comment
Have you ever wondered why wishing on a shooting star is believed to be good luck? Learn more about shooting star superstitions and what makes them so special. Read on. What Is a Shooting Star? Shooting stars are a delight to see streaking through the night sky, and while these fleeting dashes of light only
Kayak fishing is one of the fastest growing sports in America—and for good reason. It is an affordable, adaptable, and at times a straight-up sublime way to spend time on the water. The best part: getting started is easy! For your first kayak, you don’t need anything fancy. Choosing A Fishing Kayak Do some internet
Have you ever noticed when the weather stays the same for several days in a row? Normally, weather systems move over a region and pass through it, steered by jet stream winds (usually represented by blue squiggly lines on weather maps). But when airflow in the upper atmosphere disturbs the flow, weather may linger over
Sapphire, September’s birthstone, is a stunning gem once reserved for royalty and believed to facilitate communication with the divine. This precious stone has been said to bring blessings from heaven to the wearer. In ancient times, one would wear a sapphire ring while visiting an oracle to increase the odds of receiving a prophecy. These
Full Moons are mysterious, magical, and important ways to mark the passage of time. Each month, the Farmers’ Almanac celebrates the monthly full Moon noting their traditional and alternative names (Sturgeon Moon, Beaver Moon, Harvest Moon, etc.). Most of these names come from the Algonquin, a Native American peoples that once inhabited large areas of
A fall bird feeder with healthy, reliable food can help birds stay healthy and migrate more successfully! (Even hummingbirds!) Below are six frequently asked questions and answers. Read on and use this important information to feel confident as you offer the best nutrition for every feathered friend that flocks to your bird feeder! 1) Do