Beaver Moon Horoscopes — November 2023

As the days become more frigid and the nights blanket the land with their mighty embrace, we realize the holidays are just around the corner. Most of our trees and forests have turned from their vivid fullness of autumn reds, oranges, and yellows to a dwindling leaf here or there as we begin to see their bare bark and twisted fingers reaching toward the night’s sky. As we approach the end of November, the stars seem to shine brighter and the fantastic display of the 2023 Beaver Moon looks within our reach. What goodness will come from this time of year for you, according to your zodiac sign? Find out … (Have questions about these horoscopes? Ask us in the comments section below.)
A General Note About Full Moons And Astrology
Full Moons are captivating because they light up the night, as the brilliance of the Sun is reflected across the heavens. Full Moons are often very intense times as they are thought to create more powerful gravitational energy—affecting all water on Earth, all animals (including humans), and making events seem more dramatic and memorable.
Astrologically, full Moons are a time of completion. If we are on the right track, we are likely to see a culmination and milestone moment. However, if we are not, full Moons can trigger endings and breakdowns, forcing us to face the truth and move onto a new path going forward.
Related: Astrology vs. Astronomy – Learn more!
The Astrology of the November 2023 Beaver Moon
This year’s Beaver Moon will fall within the zodiac sign of Gemini—the third zodiac sign on the wheel. This means that because the full Moon is in Gemini, the Sun at this time will be in Sagittarius. This always occurs—wherever the Sun is during a lunar cycle, the full Moon always occurs exactly opposite on its polarity.

Gemini and Sagittarius are Mutable zodiac signs—known for their flexibility, adaptability, and eagerness. Gemini is an Air sign, while Sagittarius is a Fire sign. These energies mirror one another because they are highly expressive, extroverted, and active. Both of these zodiac signs also rule similar themes: travel (short-distance and long-distance), communications (close-knit versus international relations), media and intellectual endeavors, academics, and legalities and contracts.
Gemini encourages us to circulate and connect with those in our near vicinity, whereas Sagittarius invigorates to peer further, faster, and past the horizon. On another note, Gemini rules neighbors and siblings, while Sagittarius rules more distant relatives.
The Beaver Moon takes place at 4 degrees of Gemini on November 27, 2023. This full Moon is connected to the situations, conversations, plans, and events that began at the new Moon in Gemini (26 degrees) that occurred on June 18, 2023. Whatever news the Beaver Moon delivers will arrive within a week of its fullness.
Related: Learn About Each Zodiac Sign
When it comes to astrological aspects that will further color this time and lunation, we must take a peek at the “conversations” in the night’s sky.
Unfortunately, this is a rather troublesome full Moon—so we’ll be feeling the pressure and frustration in our lives. Mars, the planet of anger and outbursts, will be opposite the full Moon, enflaming our desires, passions, and feelings. We could feel provoked—or seek to provoke others.
The full Moon is also square Saturn, bringing obstacles, sorrow, and heavy moods. We could feel as if we are being pushed into a dark corner and lonely.
Mercury, the planetary ruler of this full Moon, will also be at war with Neptune, causing smokescreens and disorientation in our lives. Luckily, a saving grace is that Mercury will link beautifully with Venus, the planet of pleasure, so if we feel like life is throwing a lot at us at this time, we can unplug from reality by enjoying romance, art, or activities that bring us joy.
Now let’s see how you may be affected directly!
Beaver Moon Horoscopes by Zodiac Sign
♈ ARIES (March 21 – April 19)
A major turning point around a communication-project or intellectual matter is here for you, Aries. You could be debuting a milestone writing, speaking, advertising, or branding initiative. If you are generating big ideas, step up to the microphone and announce them to the world.
An important contract could also pop up or end.
♉ TAURUS (April 20 – May 20)
Financial matters are on your mind—for better or for worse, Taurus. On one hand, this full Moon could bring exciting news about a lucrative new contract or client (perhaps even two), which could amplify your financial world.
You may also receive a raise or bonus, too. Unfortunately, if things aren’t aligned, a heft expense or end of a job could also be on the table.
♊ GEMINI (May 21 – June 20)
The universe has all eyes on you now, Gemini. You will see how far you have come in the past six months and reap the rewards—or realize it’s time to take a new path forward altogether. A significant relationship could also be spot lit near this time, either separating you or bringing you closer together.
♋ CANCER (June 21 – July 22)
You’ll be in deep need of rest and rejuvenation now, Cancer. You could feel a little bit fried from juggling so many projects, plans, responsibilities, and routines.
The best part about this, though, is that it is teaching you to know your limits and prioritize self-care. This could be a great moment for a check-up at the dentist, therapist, or a specialist, too.
RELATED: Try these self-care activities around the full Moon
♌ LEO (July 23 – August 22)
A dearly held hope, aspiration, or dream could now be in your grasp, Leo. In fact, you may be receiving all sorts of applause from a community that loves and supports you.
Volunteering, joining group projects, or simply heading out with a bunch of friends to attend a dazzling event could fulfill you very deeply now.

♍ VIRGO (August 23 – September 22)
Reach toward the stars, Virgo! A major moment in regards to your professional life could now be at hand. You will see how your talents, skills, and efforts are paying off—or aren’t.
On one end, you could win big and see the arrival of an award, professional milestone, promotion, or lucrative job offer. If a job ends or you aren’t seeing your name in lights, it’s time to re-evaluate your goals.
♎ LIBRA (September 23 – October 22)
The universe is encouraging you to pursue new horizons, Libra. This may be physical, such as through travel; spiritual, such as through religion; or intellectual, such as through academics or communications-related projects.
Some of you could deeply enjoy planning a long-distance trip or could be returning home from one now.
♏ SCORPIO (October 23 – November 21)
Large financial matters could be at hand, Scorpio. This could be in the form of a settlement, royalties, bonuses, or even the negotiation of a lucrative benefits package.
If you’d like to get involved with stocks or investments, now could be an auspicious period to do so.
♐ SAGITTARIUS (November 22 – December 21)
A significant turning point in your relationships is here for you, Sagittarius. Some of you could be uniting closer, such as through a decision to move in, make long-term promises, get engaged, or even be wed. However, if you’re not in alignment, friction could pop up or you may decide it’s time to get your separate ways.
If single, look for someone with long-term potential who may stay at your side. This could also affect a business relationship, too, or bring in a major negotiation or contract.
♑ CAPRICORN (December 22 – January 19)
Expect to be running like a racehorse now, Capricorn. You’re on a mission and you’re ready to conquer everything on your “to do list.” This is a big moment to focus on productivity, especially polishing off a major project for a client or employer.
Give special attention to your health, whether that’s the need to assess your diet, exercise plan, or otherwise.
♒ AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 18)
Embrace the magic of the moment now, Aquarius. You’ll feel like you’re dancing in a daydream filled with romance, creativity, beauty, and pleasure. A turning point around your heart’s desires will likely manifest, such as the revelation that you’re falling in love or meeting a soulmate.
Couples could make a special promise. If you’re a parent, your child could surprise and delight you. Last, if creative, you could feel like you are channeling the muse.
♓ PISCES (February 19 – March 20)
A domestic matter could be coming to a head now, Pisces. This could be in the form of a move, renovation, relocation, or decision to redecorate!
A roommate, tenant, or family member could also be coming or going at this time. If your family needs you to step in to aid one of them now, do so with a smile and a hug.
FA Astrology
The Farmers’ Almanac famous Best Days and Gardening By The Moon calendars are based on the astrological placements of the Sun and Moon. Horoscopes are metaphysical interpretations based on similar principles.
We hope these horoscopes bring you joy and inspiration!
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Kyle Thomas
Kyle Thomas is an expert astrologer who writes for The New York Post, Cosmopolitan Magazine, Marie Claire, Elite Daily, Bustle,and more. He has been featured on Access Hollywood, E! Entertainment, NBC and ABC television. Kyle is globally recognized as a "celebrity astrologer" for his guidance of well known actors in Hollywood and prominent business executives, but he also loves sharing his comic insights with everyday people. His work explains how astrology influences lifestyle and trends worldwide. Learn more about him at