
Farmers’ Almanac astronomy provides the best times to view meteor showers, full moons, facts about planets and stars, plus more!

Astronomical Terms and Definitions Glossary

Astronomical Terms and Definitions Glossary featured image

This glossary includes definitions of astronomical terms that are commonly used in the Farmers’ Almanac and on APHELION: For an object in the solar system, this is the farthest point in its orbit to the Sun  (Perihelion is the object’s closest point from the Sun). APOGEE: For an object circling Earth, this is the farthest

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Visible Planets – When and Where to View

Visible Planets – When and Where to View featured image

Ever look at the Moon and see a bright star shining beside it? Chances are it’s a planet (usually Venus or Jupiter). Farmers’ Almanac teams up with expert astronomer Dean Regas for this go-to guide to tell you which visible planets are shining tonight (or tomorrow morning) and which direction to look. Visible Planets 2025

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Apollo 11 Moon Landing Anniversary: Memories of A Lifetime

Apollo 11 Moon Landing Anniversary: Memories of A Lifetime featured image

In honor of the anniversary of the Apollo 11 Moon landing, writer Ed Higgins shares his memories of the space event of a lifetime. Plus, check out the TV footage from July 20, 1969! The Apollo 11 Moon Landing Anniversary: Memories Of A Lifetime As the anniversary of the Apollo 11 Moon landing approaches, it

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Do You See A Moon Halo Or A Moonbow?

Do You See A Moon Halo Or A Moonbow? featured image

It’s late at night, light wispy clouds float gently by as the nearly full Moon shines down. But then you notice a faint, ghostly glow in the sky. It looks like a ring around the Moon, a delicate circle of off-white light with the Moon sitting perfectly in its center. This rare event is called a

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Equinox and Solstice—What’s The Difference?

Equinox and Solstice—What’s The Difference? featured image

Solstice. Equinox. These are words that we hear at the start of each season. We greet spring with the arrival of the vernal equinox in late March, and we welcome winter with the arrival of the solstice in late December. But aside from marking the transition from one season to the next, what exactly do

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