The December night sky will have many celestial highlights, including the full Cold Moon, one of the best meteor showers of the year, and beautiful pairings of bright planets alongside the crescent Moon. Here is everything you need to know about the sky this month. Have questions? Ask us in the comment section below! Share
The November sky will have many celestial highlights, including the best views of Jupiter for the next 12 months, a spectacular pairing of Venus and the crescent Moon, many opportunities to catch shooting stars, and the full Beaver Moon. Here is everything you need to know about the month. Have questions? Ask us in the
Have you heard about the 2024 Solar Eclipse? In something of a repeat of what happened in 2017, one of the most beautiful sites in nature is coming to the United States. However, on April 8, 2024, the path of totality will be wider, and the Sun will be eclipsed for much longer. Here are some
When comet 12P/Pons-Brooks suddenly flared and ejected twin horns of material from its icy nucleus, it made headlines as the “Devil Comet” or the “comet with horns.” But what are the facts? Is the comet heading towards Earth—as some suggest—or where is it going? When should you look and what will you see? Here are
Is there a little piece of rainbow hanging in the sky next to the Sun? How about a strange circle of light around it? You may be seeing a Sun dog (sundog) or Sun halo. Learn what causes these sunny sensations and what they may say about the weather coming your way! What Is A Sun
The October sky will have many celestial highlights including: a rare “Ring Of Fire” solar eclipse, shooting stars during the Orionid Meteor Shower, and the Full Hunter’s Moon close to Halloween (spooky)! There are also ample opportunities for stargazing, especially around the new Moon! All the details you need are here in our monthly calendar of night
As cooler breezes blow, trees burst with fiery colors, and nights get longer, you may ask yourself, “What great things may come with this new season?” Occurring one week after the equinox, September’s Full Harvest Moon will be the first full Moon of fall, the fourth supermoon in a row, and the last supermoon of
The September night sky (September 2023) will have many stargazing highlights including great opportunities to spot many bright stars, beautiful telescopic views of Saturn, and last but certainly not least: the famous Full Harvest Moon! This year’s Harvest Moon will be the fourth and final supermoon of 2023. All the details you need are here
Ever experienced a UFO sighting? New information about unidentified flying objects or unidentified arial phenomena (UAPs) may be making you wonder! But before you call the local authorities be sure to review the list below and put your mind at ease! Bright planets, strange clouds, and aircraft lights can look otherworldly at times! As it
Learn how the astrology of the full Moon each month may affect you according to your zodiac sign and gain insights into your personal life, career, and more. Whether you’re looking for understanding, strength, or just want to feel closer to the universe, our Full Moon Horoscopes shine a light to help you handle life’s