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Juice - Apple pie

Apple Scrap Jelly

4.17 from 6 votes


  • 20 apple cores and peels, any variety (or more to taste)
  • 7 cups water
  • lemon juice (not fresh)
  • Cheesecloth
  • 4-6 cups Sugar


  • Directions:
    Add peels and cores to a 5-quart stockpot. Add enough water to your pot to just cover the apple scraps. Bring to a boil, then simmer for 20-30 minutes to allow the apple scraps to release their flavor. (Don’t worry about the seeds, they will not be harmful as they will not be consumed).
  • Strain juice using cheesecloth or a jelly bag into another pot. Measure the amount of juice you're left with.
  • For every cup of juice you have, add 3/4-1 cup of sugar and 1/4 tablespoon of lemon juice.
  • Return the sugar/juice milx to the stove and bring to a full boil. Stir continuously. Boil the mixture until it reaches gelling point of 220 degrees. Test by dropping a teaspoon of the mixture in some ice-cold water. If it wrinkles and is firm, it is ready. If it's still syrupy, continue to cook it. It will set as it cools.
  • Skim foam off the top and ladle the jelly into hot, sterile, ½ pint jelly jars, leaving 1/4" headspace. Once the jars are filled, use a clean, damp rag and wipe the sides. Inspect the jars for any nicks or cracks (dispose of any that are cracked).
  • Next, put the lids on and tighten down the rings. Carefully transfer jars to a water bath canner and process for 10 minutes. Remove jars and allow to cool completely on the counter.
  • Next, check for seals. If one didn't seal properly, simply use the jelly right away and store in the fridge.
  • You can now label your jars of jelly—give them as gifts to friends and family!
  • Get detailed instructions on waterbath or pressure canning here.
Keyword Apple scrap jelly recipe