
Best Days Calendar

Spring Weather Forecast 2025

Last Frost Dates

Meteor Shower Calendar

Birth Month Herbs

Long-Range Weather Predictions

Companion Planting Chart

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Last Frost Date Map for the United States showing general zones by color from red in the south to purple in the north.
We’ve recently updated our Last Frost Date listing with our most popular cities. If you don’t see yours, drop a comment and let us know!

Companion planting chart represented by rows of compatible plants.
For every vegetable you grow, there is a companion plant. Increase soil nutrients, chase away pests, and get the most out of your garden!

The Next Full Moon Is The Pink Moon

Pink Moon illustration by Farmers' Almanac showing a pink flower superimposed on the full Moon.

RELATED PRODUCT: Pink Moon Bracelet

Long Range Weather Forecasts

Tap your region below for detailed forecasts in 3-day increments.
See the next 12 months.

  • United States
  • Canada
United States
March 27th
Northeast & New England
Northeast & New England
Fair, then unsettled.
Great Lakes, Ohio Valley & Midwest
Great Lakes, Ohio Valley & Midwest
Fair, then unsettled.
North Central U.S.
North Central U.S.
Fair, then unsettled, with showers.
South Central U.S.
South Central U.S.
Fair, then unsettled; showers Rockies, points east.
Northwest U.S.
Northwest U.S.
Fair, then unsettled.
Southwest U.S.
Southwest U.S.
Threatening skies, then clearing.
March 27th
Newfoundland, Labrador
Newfoundland, Labrador
Strong winds; heavy precipitation.
Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, Quebec
Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, Quebec
Fair initially, then unsettled with snow Quebec.
Fair at first, followed by increasingly cloudy skies, spotty wet snow and flurries.
Alberta, Manitoba, Saskatchewan
Alberta, Manitoba, Saskatchewan
Fair, then unsettled, with showers over Alberta; wet weather over Saskatchewan and Manitoba.
British Columbia
British Columbia
Fair initially, then turning unsettled.

RELATED: How We Predict the Weather

Weather History Database

Review the weather from last year (or any time in the past) using this database:

Helpful Hints

Pineapple To The Rescue

After a large meal, eat some fresh pineapple. Pineapple contains the enzyme bromelain, which helps aid digestion and the feelings of overeating. But be sure to go for fresh — canned pineapple does not contain as much of the enzyme, which is destroyed in the canning process.

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