How To Use Companion Planting Strategies To Maximize Your Home Garden Yield

For almost every vegetable you grow, there is likely to be a beneficial companion plant that will help increase soil nutrients, chase away pests, and help you get the most out of your garden. Companion planting is a great way to maximize the efficiency of your garden! Here is a list of the 17 most popular vegetables to grow along with their friends (and enemies). You may click on any of the names in the chart for growing information. Also, our Companion Planting Chart is followed by more information explaining why each pairing works well. Please share your questions and experience in the comments!

Jump to Suggested Garden Beds

Companion Planting Chart
Plant Name Companion Plants ✅ Do Not Plant Near ❌
Asparagus Tomato, basil Onions, garlic, potatoes
Beets Brassicas (broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage), lettuce, kohlrabi, bush beans Don’t plant beets near others of the same family (Beta vulgaris), including spinach and chard
Brassicas Celery, beans, beets, dill, onions, lettuce Tomatoes, eggplant, beans, peppers, squash
Brussels sprouts See Brassicas See Brassicas
Cabbage See Brassicas See Brassicas
Carrot Tomatoes, leeks, rosemary, sage, chives Coriander, dill, parsnips
Corn (sweet) Beans, cucumbers, peas, pumpkins, melons, zucchini Tomatoes
Cucumber Marigolds, nasturtiums, beans, celery, corn, lettuce, dill, peas, radishes Sage, rosemary, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower
Green beans Corn, beans, marigolds, nasturtiums, rosemary, summer savory, cucumbers, peas, potatoes, radishes, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and other members of the cabbage family Beets, onions (and anything from the onion family)
Lettuce Mint, chives, garlic, marigolds, beets, broccoli, beans, carrots, corn, peas, radishes Parsley, brassicas
Onion Carrots, beets, cabbage, carrots, lettuce, parsnips, tomatoes, marjoram, savory, rosemary Asparagus, beans, sage, peas
Peas Beans, carrots, corn, cucumbers, radish, turnip, mint, chives Garlic, onions
Peppers Basil, onions, spinach, tomatoes Beans, brassicas (such as broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage), carrots, corn, cucumbers, radish, turnip, mint, chives
Potato Beans, cabbage, peas, corn, marigolds, horseradish Tomatoes
Radish Cucumbers, carrots onions, beets, cabbage, kale, lettuce, spinach, squash Hyssop, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, turnip, mustard.
Spinach Lettuce, mustard greens, chard, kale, other leafy greens Potatoes, corn, peppers
Squash (summer) Beans, peas, radishes, peppermint, dill, parsley, oregano, marigolds Potatoes, cucumbers, pumpkins
Squash (winter) Corn, beans, sunflowers, marjoram, dill Root crops like radishes, small plants
Tomato Basil, marigolds, asparagus, carrots, celery, lettuce, parsley, spinach, onions (and others in the allium family such as shallots, leeks, garlic, etc.) Cabbage, beets, peas, fennel, dill, rosemary, corn, tomatoes, potatoes
Turnip See Brassicas See Brassicas
Zucchini See Squash (summer) See Squash (summer)
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Companion Planting Details

Here is more information about each of the companion plants listed above, including reasons for why some plants are best (and worst) with others. Whereas the Companion Planting Chart above is in alphabetical order, the following is listed in order of popularity.

1. Tomato Companion Plants

The tomato, as we know it today, has come a long way from the time it grew wild in South America. Indigenous people cultivated them and slowly brought them north, experimenting with hybrids along the way. As a result, we have more than 10,000 kinds of tomatoes to enjoy today. It’s now one of the most popular vegetables in the United States—and a favorite for home gardeners to grow.

Friends: The best companion plants for tomatoes are also ones that complement them in recipes. Basil and tomatoes were made to go together, not only in sauces but in the garden, too. This herb helps tomatoes produce greater yields and it repels both flies and mosquitoes. Marigolds are another good companion, repelling nematodes and other garden pests. Other friends to tomatoes include asparagus, carrots, celery, the onion family, lettuce, parsley, and spinach.

Tomato companion plant, basil, next to heirloom tomatoes.

Foes: Poor tomato companion plants include cabbage, beets, peas, fennel, dill, and rosemary. Corn and tomatoes both suffer from the corn earworm, and tomatoes and potatoes are affected by the same blight, so keep these plants separate to prevent the spread of pests or disease.

2. Companion Plants for Peppers

Although peppers were originally native to tropical areas, home gardeners can enjoy growing this vegetable throughout most of North America by purchasing transplants that have been started in greenhouses. and are particularly important in the cuisines of tropical Asia and equatorial America.

Friends: Excellent pepper companion plants include basil, which helps repel aphids, spider mites, mosquitoes, and flies and even potentially improves the pepper’s flavor. Other good companions include onions, spinach, and tomatoes.

Foes: Poor companion plants for peppers include pole beans as vines can get tangled among the pepper plants. Garden favorites from the brassica family, such as broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage, are not good companion plants for peppers because they take similar nutrients from the soil and tend to attract pests such that may damage pepper plants.

Companion planting chart illustrated with many plant pairings.

3. Green Bean Companion Plants

Did you know the original green bean had primarily ornamental value? That’s because it took years to breed the natural stringy-ness out of green beans to make them more palatable for human consumption. Today, we enjoy hundreds of varieties of green beans—albeit, some of them are purple and red on the outside.

Friends: One of the best companion plants for green beans is corn because they make natural trellises, allowing beans to literally grow up with the corn. Beans also fix nitrogen in the soil, which is good for the corn. Marigolds, nasturtiums, rosemary, and summer savory repel bean beetles, and summer savory improves its growth rate and flavor. Other companions include broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and other members of the cabbage family along with cucumbers, peas, potatoes, and radishes.

Foes: Beets or anything from the onion family make poor green bean companions. Onions, in particular, impede the growth of bean plants.

4. Cucumber Companion Plants

Cucumbers, which are known for pickles, relish, and raw eating, originated in India where a great deal of genetic diversity exists. Over thousands of years, the cucumber has been cultivated throughout the world.

Friends: Excellent companion plants for cucumbers include marigolds and nasturtiums, which repel aphids and beetles. Beans, celery, corn, lettuce, dill, peas, and radishes are also good cucumber companion plants.

Foes: Aromatic herbs such as sage and rosemary make poor cucumber companion plants as they tend to stunt the growth of cucumbers. Broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower can compete for similar soil nutrients.

5. Companion Plants for Onions

Although many people believe onions originated in central Asia, some research shows that onions may have been started in Iran and West Pakistan. Wild onions were likely used around the world for years before onions were formally planted and cultivated.

Friends: Carrots make good onion companion plants because onions will repel the carrot fly and chase away the aphids. Other good friends of onions include beets, cabbage, carrots, lettuce, parsnips (which also suffer from carrot fly), tomatoes, and spices like marjoram, savory, and rosemary.

Foes: Asparagus, beans, sage, and peas make more companion plants for onions. Onions may stunt their growth and negatively affect their flavor.

6. Lettuce Companion Plants

Interestingly, lettuce may have been cultivated by ancient Egyptians. However, it’s not clear that they ate the leaves as we do today, but instead may have used lettuce for oil production or as a religious sacrifice.

Friends: One of the best companion plants for lettuce is mint, which keeps away the slugs that feed on lettuce leaves. Chives and garlic help repel aphids, and marigolds attract aphid-eating ladybugs. Beets, broccoli, carrots, corn, peas, and radishes also work as good lettuce companion plants. And, finally, you may also want to plant a trellis of pole beans nearby as a wall of beans can provide shade as the weather grows warmer. Keeping lettuce plants cooler and well-watered can keep them from going to seed and becoming bitter.

Foes: Parsley, which tends to be bushy, can crowd your lettuce plants. Brassicas can compete with lettuces for the same nutrients.

7. Summer Squash or Zucchini Companion Plants

Zucchini may be known as one of the most prolific garden vegetables in our country. Some evidence exists that the first zucchini plants may have been grown 10,000 years ago as archeologists have discovered seeds in Mexican caves.

Friends: The best companion plants for zucchini are beans, peas, radishes, peppermint, dill, parsley, oregano and marigolds. Ideally, they should be grown with other plants that require regular watering but don’t require a great deal of space.

Foes: Potatoes make a poor zucchini companion plant, as both are prone to blight. Cucumbers and pumpkins should also be planted further away as they attract the same diseases and pests as zucchini.

8. Companion Plants for Carrots

Carrots are a staple vegetable for many gardeners, and the fact that they can be left in the ground during the winter makes them extra convenient.

Friends: Since carrots are heat sensitive, tomato plants that can provide them a bit of shade are excellent companions. Tomatoes are also known to produce solanine, which is a natural insecticide that targets pests affecting carrot plants. Since tomatoes benefit as well, they make perfect companion plants for carrots. Carrots aerate the soil around the roots of the tomato plants, allowing more air and water to reach the roots. Leeks and carrots are also good companion plants since leeks repel carrot flies and carrots repel leek moths and onion flies. Rosemary, sage, and chive also help repel carrot flies.

Foes: Both coriander and dill produce compounds that can harm carrot plants, and parsnips suffer from the same diseases and pests as carrots, so keep them apart to minimize a potential infestation.

Farmers Almanac subscription showing you how to plant garden.

9. Radish Companion Plants

Although radishes likely originated in Asia, they have probably been grown in western Europe since the mid-sixteenth century. Since they can be ready to eat in only four weeks, they are one of the fastest crops in a home garden.

Friends: Cucumbers make good companion plants for radishes as they distract cucumber beetles that like to feed on the radishes. They also do well among carrots because they are harvested before the carrots and they loosen the soil as the carrots start to take off. Onions, beets, cabbage, kale, lettuce, spinach, and squash are also good friends for radishes.

Foes: Hyssop makes a poor radish companion plant because it can inhibit growth. Since radishes belong to the brassica family, they may have a difficult time germinating near broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, turnip, and mustard.

10. Companion Plants of Sweet Corn

A mutation in regular field corn, which led to the sweet corn that we know today, was originally discovered in Pennsylvania in the mid-1700s. Sweet corn is typically harvested before the corn is completely mature so we can enjoy the higher sugar content.

Friends: Corn loves veggies that fix nitrogen in the soil—like green beans. Cornstalks also make a great trellis for vining or trailing plants including beans, cucumbers, peas, pumpkins, and melons. Zucchini is a good sweet corn companion plant when planted among corn.

Foes: Tomatoes make poor companion plants of sweet corn, as both are attacked by corn earworms. Plant these two far apart to minimize the spread of these pests.

11. Potato Companion Plants

Potatoes are believed to have originated in the highlands of the Andes in western South America. In fact, researchers believe people started growing potatoes in that region as early as 8,000 to 5,000 BC. 

Friends: Potato companion plants include beans, cabbage, peas, and corn. Marigolds planted near potato patches help deter beetles and horseradish will provide overall protection to potatoes.

Foes: Tomatoes as they are prone to blight, which can also affect potatoes, so they make poor companions for potatoes. 

12. Companion Plants for Peas

Peas may have been one of the oldest cultivated crops with wild plants being native to the Mediterranean area. The oldest pea was 3,000 years old and found in Thailand.

Friends: Peas love to be planted by beans, carrots, corn, cucumbers, radish, and turnip. If you plant mint near peas, they should be healthier and tastier. Chives planted near peas also help deter aphids, making them excellent pea plant companions.

Foes: Don’t plant peas near garlic or onions as it will stunt their growth.

13. Companion Plants for Brassicas

Brassica vegetables include broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage. Primitive varieties originated around the Horn of Africa (East Africa).

Friends: The best companion plants for broccoli and other brassicas include celery, beans, beets, dill, onions, and lettuce.

Foes: Try not to plant tomatoes, eggplant, beans, peppers, or squash nearby.

14. Asparagus Companion Plants

Asparagus are hearty and prolific in early spring.

Friends: Tomatoes among the top companions for asparagus due to the mutually beneficial relationship they share. They emit solanine, which naturally deters the asparagus beetle. Basil’s strong scent also confuses these beetles while attracting beneficial insects such as bees and butterflies.

Foes: Poor asparagus companions are onions, garlic, and potatoes, which can all inhibit growth.

15. Companion Plants for Beets

Sea beets—beet’s wild ancestors—were originally found near the Mediterranean Sea. People grew them for their leaves.

Friends: Good friends of beets include brassicas, lettuce, kohlrabi, and bush beans.

Foes: Don’t plant beets near others from the same family including spinach and chard as they may attract the same diseases and pests.

16. Companion Plants for Winter Squash

Winter squash such as butternut and acorn or pumpkins are a staple of autumn.

Friends: The best companion plants for winter squash include corn, beans, sunflowers, and spices like marjoram and dill.

Foes: Since winter squash tend to grow quickly and all over its bed, be sure to keep root crops like radishes or smaller plants far away to keep from being overgrown.

17. Companion Plants for Spinach

Chalk full of nutrients, spinach originated in what is now Iran.

Friends: The best companion plants for spinach include lettuce, mustard greens, chard, kale, and other leafy greens. Later, the same bed can be used for brassicas. 

Foes: Potatoes, corn, and peppers are poor companions to spinach.

Follow these companion planting guidelines to boost yields, minimize pest or disease problems and make garden management easier!

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Suggested Garden Beds

  1. Lettuce, spinach, kale, chard, and mustard greens.
  2. Corn with beans and peas climbing them as trellises.
  3. Celery, broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower.
  4. Tomatoes, asparagus, basil, and parsley.
  5. Peppers and onions.
  6. Cucumbers, radishes, and peas.
  7. Zucchinis and marigolds.
  8. Leeks and carrots.
  9. Winter squash and beans.

RELATED: Succession Planting

Join The Discussion

Have you had any success with the companion plants mentioned here?

Did you have a plant in mind that you didn’t see here? If so, which one?

Share with us below in the comments!

Pam Malinowski, expert writer and gardener.
Pam Malinoski

Pam, her husband Peter, and their seven children have a 5-acre family homestead. Besides a family dairy cow, a few Katahdin sheep, some kune kune pigs, and a flock of chickens, they also periodically raise ducks and turkeys. They have a small vineyard and orchard along with a large garden. In the spring, they tap their maple trees for syrup.

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When do I plant potatoes? 🥔 Please and thank you


What do you plant with melons. Watermelons and muskmelons.


Thanks for all this great info! I haven’t done any gardening since I was a teenager still at home. Feeling a little overwhelmed, but this helps. Also, in case English isn’t your first language, the phrase is “chock full,” not “chalk full.” 😉

Richard Lightbown

I planted five rows of spuds this year. The last row was planted between two rows of spinach which were cropping well, and because I had no where else for the potatoes. When the spinach started to bolt I took them out. That last row of spuds has grown very slowly and I may even grub them up and replant with something else. The other potatoes are growing very well.


Spinach is a great idea. I usually plant chives or cilantro (or both) near my potatoes. Anything with short roots will work well.


Tks for the growing tips


You are welcome! We hope you find them useful!

Priscilla Gentry

I have planted potatoes and part of the garden row is still available, what is compatible with the potatoes????


We love this question! A few plants that work well with potatoes are: cabbage family plants, corn, leeks (as these all have shallow root systems to maximize space), cilantro, chives (attract beneficial pests) and legumes (they provide much needed nitrogen). Cucumbers, tomatoes and root vegetables are to be avoided as they will compete for space and nutrients. Best of luck!

Taniya Wanasinghe


I am Taniya, an Agroecology Master’s Program student at Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Sweden. I am looking for literature regarding carrot fly damage for one of my classroom assignments. I prefer to use the carrot companion planting image from this article. This is only for study purpose and will not be published or taken for any commercial use. I would be grateful if you could give me permission to use this image for my study assignment.

Thank you!

Sandi Duncan

Hi Tanya,

We can’t give you permission as this comes from a stock source and we don’t have permission to give you the rights to use it. Sorry about that. Good luck with your assignment.

Labreeska Rogers

Wish there were more planting companions listed like, Strawberries, Blue berries, okra, peas ETC. I know I planted Greek oregano under my blue berry bushes and it did well and we also did not have a ton of pest around it plus it produced better than the others. I have tried Strawberries9 we just started growing them this year) with onions as their neighbors the plants grew well but I did not see any strawberries on them this year.


Thank you! Great idea, we’ll make note of this suggestion and hopefully add more companions!

Albert Clayton

Why is okra never mentioned.

Phyllis T Horry

The following was found when I researched companions for okra: radishes, cucumbers, peppers, peas, melons, lettuce, basil, cilantro, comfrey, dill, oragano, parsley, sage, thyme, eggplant, horseradish, rhubarb, spinach, strawberry, tomato, asters, marigolds, and nasturtums.


what grows well with melon and cantaloupe


Melons are one of the most compatible plants in the garden and do well when planted with peas, pole beans, bush beans, onions, leeks, chives, and garlic. Cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, kale, okra, spinach, sunflowers, lettuce, and Brussels sprouts also flourish in the companionship of melons.

Jerry & Barbara Cooksey

what grows well with strawberries ?




We are a public library with a seed library. Are we able to use the referenced companion plant illustration in our display? We are not selling anything and can reference the source.


Hey Noah, You might want to plant your Turmeric (Curcuma longa) in its own little bed so you can enjoy the beautiful flowers/inflorescence as well as the root/spice. I haven’t experienced any ‘ginger’ plants negatively affecting any other plants. Best of luck & God Bless!

Noah davidson

What is good companion plant for turmeric ?
Good information


Hey Noah, You might want to plant your Turmeric (Curcuma longa) in its own little bed so you can enjoy the beautiful flowers/inflorescence as well as the root/spice. I haven’t experienced any ‘ginger’ plants negatively affecting any other plants. Sorry for mis-posting above. Best of luck & God Bless!


Sweet potato companion plants

Sheran Casey

What are good companion plants for garlic?

Cori Ellefson



How far apart should you keep foes when companion planting


Did you ever find out the answer to this questions?

Sheran Casey

What would be good companions for potatoes?

Susan Higgins

Hi Sheran, we found some good info on potato companions here for you. Take a look here.

Sheran Casey

Thank you.


Is there a place where I can purchase the companion planting guide pictured above in a poster type format? I would like a printed copy to hang in my potting shed.

Thank You

CJ in So Cal ?‍???

Susan Higgins

Hi CJ, Unfortunately we don’t have the planting guide for printing. Glad you’re enjoying it and finding it useful.


Really wish you would consider it. Hint, Hint! 😉


You can save the image on a thumb drive or email it to a nearby print shop. Most of them can print in poster size and even laminate, if you like, for a reasonable cost.

Beth Essex

If you right click on the image above and select “copy”, then paste into a Word document (or whatever equivalent you have) you can save the document and print that or save as a picture and print that.


Thanks Beth!


Can I grow carrots and beets in 20 gallon round pots? What kind of soil should I use?
Also, can I grow zucchini and cantaloupe together in a raised bed?

Susan Higgins

Hi Sindy, yes, you can grow them together in a raised bed (they won’t cross pollinate). As for soil, potting soil is best used when you’re starting seed. Topsoil is best combined with outdoor soil that already exists in your garden bed. However, plants in containers do better in potting soil. This is because topsoil can sometimes be too moist for container gardens, which can cause root rot.


Terrific post, thank you

Susan Higgins

Thank you, Denise! Glad you found it helpful.


How far apart should vegetables that do not go well together be spaced. I have a 3 x 7 raised bed are opposite sides sufficient?


Susan Higgins

Hi Oklahoma, yes, opposite sides are sufficient. Many gardeners subscribe to the “double the larger plant root” spacing, about 3-4′ apart.


I will have a fenced in garden that is 12′ x 15′ behind my home. We are cutting down a tree in the Spring before transplanting and sowing outdoors. Are brussels sprouts, cabbage, and broccoli good to grow together? Are there any companion plants for those three vegetables to repel insects and diseases?


As long as you don’t want to collect seeds from your plants, you can grow Brussels sprouts, cabbage, and broccoli together. Companion plants would be onions, carrots, and radishes.


I’m new gardening, so kindly excuse my ignorance here 🙂 … why would seeds not be collectable if these ones are planted near each other? Thanks!

Last edited 3 years ago by Ashley
Susan Higgins

Hi Ashley, I’m not quite sure what you’re asking? Did you hear this somewhere?

Spring B

Hi Ashley, I understand your question about why not to collect seeds from plants grown near each other. I’ll use squash, gourds, and cucumbers as an example. Squash, gourds, and cucumber are in the same plant family: Cucurbitaceae, also called cucurbits or the gourd family. When a seed company wants to produce seed that will grow true, meaning they can be sure the plant is what they want, they keep the parent plants isolated – this way they are only getting the right kind of pollen for reproduction. On the other hand, if you have a cucumber, gourd, and squash all nearby, when a bee pollinates the cucumber, if it is near a squash or gourd, the bee could also pollinate the squash and gourd at the same time. These plants are closely enough related that they will mix. If you’re just a regular gardener planning to eat that “mixed” vegetable that’s fine – you wouldn’t see any problem in the vegetable, it would still look like the parent plant it grew on, and taste the same, it is healthy to eat it. BUT if you then took that cross pollinated vegetable with the idea of using its SEEDS to grow a NEW plant, you could grow a Frankenstein plant. The vegetable you get from the frankenstein cucurbit plant may not be edible in the worst case (toxic), or may just not taste good in another case, or could be fine – a gamble. Letting different kinds of lettuce plants cross pollinate isn’t dangerous at all, the Frankenstein lettuce will only yield seed that grows more edible lettuce of a different variety. Many crossed vegetables are perfectly safe. Curcubit family plants are different though – they are an important exception- the frankenstein seed of crossed cucurbits if grown into another plant could yield a “wild type” cucurbit vegetable – a throw-back – a gourd type vegetable – which is harmful to eat. Hope that helps!


Much thanks to you such a lot of fascinating to find out about nurseries. I’m a first time grower discovered this data accommodating.

Nathan Rosten

Hello, I’m looking at planting a 10×10 garden this spring with a separate nearby section for herbs with a pathe between. How close do some of the plants that repel pests need to be to be effective?

Susan Higgins

Hi Nathan, you always want to give them the distance they need to grow healthy roots and not crowd each other out, so it’s really dependent on the vegetable, some of which spread. Like tomatoes. Just plan on having the companion plant close by. I’d grow the companions on the same side of the aisle of your garden bed. It takes a lot of planning which is why graphing things on paper is a good idea. Check out the subheading of “Good Measure” in this article.

Philana Jackson

Hi. I’m trying to do plant companion. This is what I have planted: tomatoes, peppers (hot and sweet), lettuce, spinach, cilantro,oregano, dill, eggplant, butterfly milkweed, sunflower, mint, lavender, borage, bee balm, garlic, a mix of edible flowers

Susan Higgins

Sounds like an excellent garden, Philana!


Why are cucmbers and sage not compatable

Susan Higgins

Hi Zoe, “Gardeners agree on this one: cucumber and sage do not get along. The reason seems to be that sage is pretty powerful, and its intense aroma can actually affect the flavor of your cukes!”


Can i plant carrots,lettuce, tomatoes, spinach, and squash together?

Rienie Denner

Good day, can you please post links to prove the statement that marigolds are good companion plants for Zucchini/Summer Squash. I am familiar with the data that marigolds can assist in the control of root-knot nematodes and I could find literature on the positive effects of marigolds on the growth of tomatoes. However, I fail to find scientific reports on the positive effects of marigolds on the Squash. Can you please help me by posting links proving that? Thank you for your help. Much appreciated.

Susan Higgins

Hi Reinie, In some cases, marigolds are a decoy plant which attract pests to. So they’ll stay off your plants. In the case of zucchini, the marigolds emit a scent that bugs detest, keeping them away from your zucchini. Here is a helpful link here.


Can I plant Zucchini in the same bed as tomato but distant away from them

Susan Higgins

Hi P, Yes, you can plant them together. Tomato roots go about 3 feet deep into the soil and also produce lots of feeder roots near the top of the soil. Zucchini has a tap root that needs room to grow. Your bed should have enough space for both and good drainage (they hate wet roots). A box that’s 36 inches deep and wide would work.

MaryLou Sharp

Is swiss chard a friend or foe to anything? I am planting a small raised bed and have peas, radish,cukes, summer squash, yellow beans,tomato chard, and marigolds all around.

Carol Ann Gifford

Swiss chard, beets, and spinach are all members of the same family (goosefoot). So what works for one, should work for all.

Grandma B

What is a good companion plant for dill ? I have never had good luck with it, any advise ?

Susan Higgins

Hi Grandma B, You could use a companion planting technique if you want to help other plants, but if your dill plants are yellowing for example, it could be a lack of light, which can cause some dulling in leaves. Excess fertilizer can also cause dill to turn yellow. Dill prefers well-drained soil that is not too fertile and slightly acidic. Try testing your soil and growing it in pots.

Sharon Patnode

I love this article….it has helped me a lot!

Susan Higgins

Hi Sharon, we’re glad it was helpful!

Tina Johnson

Your site is very informative


Can you plant cucumbers and peas near each other?


based on the picture in this article it says yes to peas and cucumbers together

Michelle gee

Can I plant cucumber in the same bed as tomato but distant away from them


What’s good next to eggplant?


eggplant is in the same family as tomatoes and peppers, nightshade. You may be able to plant similar items with eggplant that you would other nightshades.


Where can and what can I combine with dill. Also what goes with sage?….thanks in sdvance


Carrots grow well with sage plus chives and onions


What about okra? What are good companions vs bad for them? Thanks!


Put the seeds in refrigerator for a few days they will come up much better


This does not answer my question unfortunately. My plants are in the ground already.


Your question wasn’t answered properly I see. The best companion plants for okra would be melons, eggplants, and sweet peppers. I think there may be something else, but these are what I can think of right now. I hope I didn’t answer you too late! Good luck with your plant babies!

Sharon Patnode

Fantastic all the way around!

Sharon Patnode

Fantastic all the way around!!


How far away from onions or beets must I plant bush beans?

Susan Higgins

Hi Jack, we recommend far enough away that their roots are not sharing any soil.


Thank you for this great resource! I love to plant a variety of pumpkins and gourds. I always plant them on the opposite end of the garden from tomatoes. Are there companion plants or enemies I can be aware of?


thank you so much for this website my mom loved it and we planted so much i hope you put more things up


Is it recommended to companion plant when planting in containers?

Susan Higgins

Hi Misty, you certainly can! Because it most cases, certain plants repel pests, and it doesn’t matter if they’re in the soil or in pots next to each other.


As long as the container is big enough. I’ve found that if a tomato has a thyme or marjoram companion, or a few chives, they taste better and keep longer off the vine.
Basil is too hungry a hog to share a container tho imo.


I planted marigolds and nasturtiums with my squash plants last year and never saw one squash bug. Thats the first time ever I didn’t have to deal with squash bugs!


Thank you so much for this information. I have been planting wrong vegetable plants combination.


I have limited space for my raised bed and want to grow pickling cucumbers. Can I train them up a trellis?


Yes! I planted Wisconsin summer pickling cucumbers up a slanted trellis last summer and it worked wonderfully.


Can u grow any kind of peppers together?

dorothee carr

In my experience, peppers grow well rogether, except chillies.If they are too nearby, I found that some of the peppers turned out hot.But that was in Spain.Lots of sunlight has an impact on that as well.


Thanks for your comments. We sold our house and traveled the country last summer…I miss my garden you are helping me with the withdrawal…appreciate life in the soil!!!
My son will benefit with your expertise thanks

Irene Poletti

Hi I now live in the mountains at 4900 feet, our growing season is short. I used to live in Vacaville, Ca. The best place to grow anything. I Miss my lovely garden.

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