What’s A Sun Halo?
Ever seen a ghostly ring around the Sun? Read what they're all about and why they form.

Ever seen a ghostly rainbow halo around the Sun?
A Sun halo is caused by the refraction, reflection, and dispersion of light through ice particles suspended within thin, wispy, high altitude cirrus or cirrostratus clouds. As light passes through these hexagon-shaped ice crystals, it is bent at a 22° angle, creating a circular halo around the Sun. The prism effect of light passing through these six-sided ice crystals also separates the light into its various color frequencies, making the halo look like a very pale rainbow, with red on the inside and blue on the outside.
Folklore tells us Sun halos can predict the weather:
A ring around the Sun or Moon
means rain or snow is coming soon.
Occasionally, brighter areas will form along these halos, creating a mock Sun, or “sundog.” Sundogs are known as parhelia (or the singular parhelion) to astronomers, from the Greek words meaning “beside the Sun.”
Have you ever seen a sun halo, mock sun, or other interesting sights? Share in the comments below!
This article was published by the staff at Farmers' Almanac. Do you have a question or an idea for an article? Contact us!
just seen my first sundog-it is beautiful=took several pictures-does anyone know what it means??
This was gorgeous 😍
Just saw a partial halo with a sun dog..
Saw a Hali yesterday. June 22
This was yesterday over Roseburg Oregon.
WOW – gorgeous!!!!
6/11/24 over MI
Taken in west Tn 5-5-24
Port Orchard, WA, 2:42 pm
WOW! Gorgeous!!
From this morning El Paso tx
This is gorgeous!! Thank you for sharing with our community!
Sun Halo Danville, VA January 30, 2024
That is a fantastic shot – gorgeous! Thank you for sharing!
January 30,2024 Danville, VA
Temecula, CA yesterday morning
WOW! What a shot!
Moon halo Cape Coral FL Dec 29, 2023 5:33am
Here are 3 shots of one in Lanoka Harbor, New Jersey about a week ago
Yes, we seen the sun halo Sunday at 2:14 in Buffalo New York and I have pictures of it
Wow – Another great shot of the New York sun halo! Thank you for sharing this! It sure is gorgeous!
Rensselaer, ny
That is a stunner! Thank you for sharing!
hope you enjoy
That is a fantastic example – great picture! Thank you for sharing with your community!
this one is in brevard nc
Auburn, California 5/9/2023
Gorgeous! Thank you for posting!
Garfield Township – just outside Traverse City, MI today 5/8/23
Seen this Saturday 1pm in New Philadelphia Ohio
Fort Worth, TX 3/28/23
I saw this sun halo in Adelaide, south Australia on Monday afternoon. I’d never seen anything like it before and had no idea what it was , so thank you for the info.
You are welcome! We’re always happy when a reader finds an article useful. This is a gorgeous shot! Thank you for sharing!
Never saw till today beautiful thanks for the information
This is a beautiful shot! Thank you for sharing it!
I have seen sun dogs for many yrs..I once saw 2 reflections making 3 suns..I was traveling east to westerly direction at time..late afternoon..I was blinded
I didn’t catch the sundog until I looked at the photo , first one I have ever seen . Dec . 21st at 3::00 in Bolivar , Ohio
Yes possibly.Is this a sun halo?
Wow sure looks like one! Thanks for sharing!
I have seen one twice this week
IveI’seen quite a few SUN DOGS in my lifetime. Such a cool sight to see.
I capture today Dec. 5 10:30am @ Manitoba CA
This is a great shot! Thank you for sharing!
November 5th 9:15 am when I observed it, Parkersburg, WV
Thursday, September 29, 2022 at 5:59 PM in Wisconsin!
I captured this picture this past Wednesday at 2:30 pm est time in New Hampshire!
It means your God chosen here on this life and you’re to shine brighter
I took this in my backyard a few days ago
Location Venice,
Oh, thanks for sharing! So awesome.
I live in Port Charlotte Florida and can see a gorilla halo around the sun. It looks like all the pictures on the internet. Today Memorial Day
In North Port…I saw it too too
Nice shot Seth!!
Saw it from Punta Gorda!!
What a great picture Cheryl.
This is a great photo
April 22, 2022
Delta, BC
Wow so beautiful
May 27, 2022 Surrey BC
12:38 pm
Great shot Jennifer. Thank you for sharing.
05/27/22 Charles Town, WV
Beautiful picture Jenna!
2:30pm Charles Town, WV
Orosi,California @12:42
Yesterday 05/22/22
sun halo, long weekend Victoria BC
Same one but a bit later
Caught my first one today! In Spain, Vacarisses.
Saw this yesterday
10:45 am ring around the sun in Santa Paula California 5/9/2022
Sun halo
Ring around the sun in Bayahibe Dominican Republic on 4/23/22 2:30 pm
Kansas City MO, 4/10.
Sun Halo seen in Eastern Part of Ethiopia Today
Saw sun halo in Worcester, Massachusetts on 4/5/22