12 Reasons To Switch To Castile Soap, The “Magic Soap.”

Looking for one soap that does it all? Castile soap may be your answer. See why this may be your new go-to soap!

Often referred to as “magic soap,” Castile soap is a great multi-purpose, all-natural, chemical-free, vegetable-based soap that’s free of animal fats and synthetic ingredients. This non-toxic, biodegradable soap is available in bar or liquid form and is about to be your new go-to soap.

What Is Castile Soap?

Castile soap is available in liquid and bar form.

Dating back to the 12th century, Castile soap originated from the Castile region of Spain, hence the name. It was traditionally made from pure olive oil, which the region was known for. Today, the soap can also be made from coconut, hemp, avocado, almond, walnut, and many other plant-based oils, but never any animal products. This makes the soap earth-friendly, biodegradable, and void of any harmful chemicals.

In Europe, Castile soap is very popular, however, we’re seeing an uptick in demand here in the US. Castile soap can be purchased at health food stores, online (for those who like to buy in bulk), and many local supermarkets have started to carry this super soap. It is available in bars, flakes, or liquid form, with liquid being the most popular due to the ease of mixing and measuring. The most common brand found in stores is Dr. Bronners, which comes in many natural scents, including peppermint, lemon, orange, and lavender.

Don’t be scared off by the price tag of Castile soap. Its high concentration allows a little to go a long way, making it quite affordable.

12 Amazing Uses For Castile Soap:

1. All-Purpose Household Cleaner

Woman cleaning cabinets.

Use Castile soap to clean regular household surfaces. Mix with water in a spray bottle and spray on surfaces such as kitchen countertops, bathroom tubs, tile floors, and the bathroom sink. For light cleaning mix 1/4 cup of Castile soap into a quart of water. For heavy-duty grease-dissolving jobs use 1:1 or full strength to get the job done.

2. Makes A Great Hand Soap

Lather soap in women's hands. Body care.

Add a squirt of Castile soap to a pump dispenser and fill the rest with water. For added scent and antibacterial properties try adding a dozen drops of essential oils such as cinnamon, lemon, lavender, tea tree, orange, or oregano. The addition of fractionated coconut oil, or “liquid coconut oil,” will help keep your hands smooth.

3. Dish Soap

Person using sink and cleaning dishes, holding glass and sponge.

Mix 1/2 cup Castile soap with 1/2 cup water in a squeeze bottle. Shake, and you have a high-powered dish soap.

4. Powerful Laundry Detergent

child in the laundry room.

Castile soap is a gentle alternative for washing your clothes. It even works well for baby clothes and cloth diapers. For top-loaders use 1/4 cup per wash and 1/8 cup for front loaders. Adding a dash of baking soda is also helpful for extra cleaning power.

5. Face Wash

Castile soap works well as a facial cleanser. Add your favorite Castile soap with distilled water in a 1:4 ratio in a foaming soap bottle.

6. Shaving Cream

Apply directly to skin or dilute with water to use as a shaving lubricant.

7. Foot Soak

Footbath With Orchid.

Place 1 tablespoon of Castile soap to your warm foot bath and let them soak. Peppermint is great for cracked heels, while tea tree oil helps treat fungal infections.

8. Floor Cleaner

Before and after cleaning concept. Blue mop on wooden parquet floor background. Cleaning services, result and tidying up concept.

Castile soap is a great alternative cleaner to mop your floors with and is even safe for your hardwood. Mix 1/2 cup of Castile soap with three gallons of warm water in a bucket and use your usual floor mop. To clean your carpets: blend 1/4 cup of Castile soap with 1 cup water until it creates a stiff foam. Slather on carpet spills for an eco-friendly and non-toxic carpet cleaner. Try a variety with a scent, like lemon or orange, to give your whole house a fresh smell.

9. Toilet Bowl Cleaner

This “magic soap” is tough enough for the dirtiest of jobs. Squirt a few drops into your toilet, let it sit for a few minutes, and then scrub it clean.

10. Fruit and Veggie Wash

Add a few drops of liquid Castile soap into a bowl or sink full of water. Let your fruits or veggies soak in the soap mixture for a few minutes and then scrub/rinse them off. Alternatively, add this mixture to a squirt bottle to keep on hand for a quick clean of veggies.

11. Dog Shampoo

English cocker spaniel dog taking a shower with shampoo, soap and water in a bathtub

If you can wash yourself with it, why not wash your four-legged family member with it as well? Mix with water 2:1 or use it undiluted from the bottle and lather up your furry friend.

12. Pest Spray

The woman is spraying a golden pothos on the wooden table in the living room.

Use Castile soap to keep pests away from indoor and outdoor plants. Add 1 tablespoon of Castile soap to 1 gallon of water and spray on plants to keep them safe from pesky insects. Castile soap is also effective at keeping away ants. Like diatomaceous earth, Castile soap dissolves the waxy coating on the outside of the ant. Simply spray the soap and water mix along cracks or where you notice ants entering your home.

Note: Never mix Castile soap with lemon juice or vinegar to clean. It can leave a white residue on surfaces. Additionally, it is not safe for color-treated hair.

Head - Magnesium sulfate
Natalie LaVolpe

Natalie LaVolpe is a freelance writer and former special education teacher. She is dedicated to healthy living through body and mind. She currently resides on Long Island, New York, with her husband, children, and dog.

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Hohmann Jeanne

The picture of the toddler at the dryer is scary. No child should be introduced to laundry appliances. Crawling inside is deadly.

Francis Starkey

This is very interesting. I have been using Cove unscented castile soap for few months now and I can say that castile soap is indeed a magic soap. I actually used it for laundry, cleaning the kitchen sink and floor and making my DIY face mask and insecticidal soap.

MapleX Naturals

Interesting read on the benefits of castile soaps and why one should start using Castile Soaps…


Did I read that the soap is “chemical free”? Nothing is “chemical free”. Nothing. It may not have chemicals other than the bare minimum to create soap, but not “chemical free”. A coconut is made of dozens of chemicals like fats, minerals, vitamins and proteins.

Unless the message intended was “artificial chemicals” which is also a vague statement.


Always wanted to make my very on soap, what book would you recommend I read to get the knowledge I need to make sum soap to be proud of? Thank you. LJ

Susan Higgins

Hi LJ, we aren’t familiar with any good soap making books, but you could research online and see which has gotten the best reviews. Good luck!


I picked up a large bottle of Castile soap with Peppermint Oil a few weeks ago at Costco, and have been using it as a general household cleaner. Now let me tell you . . . SPIDERS do NOT LIKE that peppermint oil ! They start running out of crooks and crannies like crazy ! Not only am I getting a good, yet mild, cleaning agent, but creepy-crawly- critters scatter ! Oh yeah . . . I’m sold !

John D. Robertson

Castile soap has been the preferred bath soap for expensive race horses for many years. Their coats are always shiny, and healthy.


It’s an AMAZING makeup brush cleaner! I’ve tried everything from shampoo to actual makeup brush cleaner and this beats everything.


Castile soap is great, but if you have hard water or water with additives, then Castile contributes to soap scum.
I use the following recipe for foaming hand soap: 3/8 cup liquid Castile soap, 1/4 cup glycerin, 16 oz distilled water, essential oils optional. I pour this into a foaming soap dispenser.
I also use Kirk’s Castile bar soap (now available in unscented) with my laundry. 1 tbsp grated soap, 1 tbsp borax, 1 tbsp washing soda (not baking soda). But I don’t usually follow the recipe. I just keep a wooden-handled cheese grater by the washer and scrape about 30 times for a large load.

Gale Green

#7. “heel” not “heal”

Sandi Duncan

Thanks Gale! Fixed it!

Christina Hidalgo

I discovered Kirk’s castile bar shop via pinterest and my desire to use natural products. I am very pleased with the way my face and skin feels now that I have started using it. thanks for the tips above will buy the bottled soap on line next.

Leslie K.

I have made and almost exclusively used natural soaps for decades – but I also love on a ranch where cattle and at least time hogs are raised. Due to current consumer taste fats are most often now simply discarded.

I am an omnivore and know that most people are also omnivores and I choose not to feel guilt since the animals raised for eventual slaughter would not exist without a market for meat. I am also aware that humane practices are essential for profitable operations involving living creatures.

The soap I make and use daily for all the purposes listed in the article also use animal fats and thus honour the animal involved and make use of a mostly wasted by-product.

Lives could be broadened indeed if city dwellers ventured out of supermarkets and discovered the realities of life outside the city . Just suggesting ….


I have used Castile soap for years. I keep a bottle in the shower, and on the counter by my bathroom and kitchen sinks.. Great for washing out delicates.

I have found that Kirk’s Castile soap is far superior to Dr. Bronners….. Nice clean smell.The bar soap is available @ Walmart, and I buy the bottled on line on Amazon or Drugstore .com for the best price. I use the Kirk’s with cocoa butter…….
Susan S.


hi I love the soap bars but can I grate it to get the flakes to put in a pump type bottle so that I can spray it round the kitchen tiles

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