
Gardening Calendar

Companion Planting Chart

Last Frost Dates

Best Days Calendar

Spring Equinox

Full Moon Calendar

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Cicadas 2025 map showing where two broods of periodical cicadas will emerge.

RELATED: First Day of Spring 2025

Easter weather forecast 2025.

RELATED: Why is Easter on 4/20 this Year?

The Next Full Moon Is The Worm Moon

Red moon total lunar eclipse 2025.

RELATED: Full Moon Horoscopes

Long Range Weather Forecasts

Tap your region below for detailed forecasts in 3-day increments.
See the next 12 months.

  • United States
  • Canada
United States
March 10th
Northeast & New England
Northeast & New England
Stormy, then fair and very mild.
Great Lakes, Ohio Valley & Midwest
Great Lakes, Ohio Valley & Midwest
Clearing skies, turning springlike.
Southeast U.S.
Southeast U.S.
Clearing skies, pleasant.
North Central U.S.
North Central U.S.
Fair weather.
Northwest U.S.
Northwest U.S.
Fair skies.
Southwest U.S.
Southwest U.S.
Fair weather.
March 10th
Newfoundland, Labrador
Newfoundland, Labrador
Mostly fair.
Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, Quebec
Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, Quebec
Unsettled for Quebec, thru Maritimes, then fair.
Stormy Great Lakes area, then fair.
British Columbia
British Columbia
Fair skies.

RELATED: How We Predict the Weather

Weather History Database

Review the weather from last year (or any time in the past) using this database:

Helpful Hints

Save Energy And Money!

On good days, use your outside clotheslines for drying instead of the dryer. Air-drying your clothes can reduce the average household’s carbon footprint by 2,400 pounds a year.  And even if you only line dry half the time, you can save over $60 in a year!

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