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Your Long Range Weather Forecasts

Tap your region below for detailed forecasts in three-day increments.
See the next 12 months.

  • United States
  • Canada
United States
October 14th – October 17th
Northeast & New England
Northeast & New England
Generally fair skies.
Great Lakes, Ohio Valley & Midwest
Great Lakes, Ohio Valley & Midwest
Generally fair for long weekend.
Southeast U.S.
Southeast U.S.
Generally fair skies.
North Central U.S.
North Central U.S.
Mild, with widely scattered showers dampening weekend.
South Central U.S.
South Central U.S.
Scattered showers, quite mild for holiday weekend.
Northwest U.S.
Northwest U.S.
A few passing showers coincide with the holiday.
Southwest U.S.
Southwest U.S.
Mild, with a few showers.
October 14th – October 17th
Newfoundland, Labrador
Newfoundland, Labrador
Rain, hopefully followed by clearing skies for Thanksgiving.
Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, Quebec
Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, Quebec
Generally fair skies for Thanksgiving weekend.
Generally fair weather prevails for Thanksgiving holiday.
Alberta, Manitoba, Saskatchewan
Alberta, Manitoba, Saskatchewan
Mild, with widely scattered showers dampening the Thanksgiving weekend.
British Columbia
British Columbia
A few passing showers coincide with the Thanksgiving holiday.

Weather History Database

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You also may be interested in our Old Farmers’ Almanac Forecasts.

The Next Full Moon Is The Hunter’s Moon

Your Monthly Night Sky Guide

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Helpful Hints

Reduce Congestion

Got allergies? Stay away from dairy products. They thicken mucus and make congestion worse!

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